Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 12/16/78 11:59
Ivan Marsh wrote:
> On Wed, 27 Sep 2006 14:12:18 -0700, otrWalter wrote:
>>newsleecher@spam.com wrote:
>>>What state do you live in? I was talking to my recruiter here in
>>>FLorda and he was saying that they can't seem to fill web dev jobs
>>>quick enough. ASP.net mainly though it sounded like. Our current
>>>company needs four more PHP programers ASAP, so if you want to
>>>relocate, I'm sure you'd be employed qickly. Just be prepared for
>>>some advanced convoluted bullshit coding practices.
>>I've been looking for real work for oiver a year now.
>>Everyone up here (Chicago) wants 3 to 5 years, a grocery list of skills
>>and languages, and oh yea, to work for $35k to $50k.
>>A guy can't feed his family around here on that. If I was a
>>20-something and single I could cut it, but...
>>Can you say "over-qualifiied!"
>>PS: Even the freelance work wants things done for less than $200, and I
>>mena projects that take weeks!
> Wisconsin is the same way.
> Come to the great mid-west and be a rocket scientist for $28,000 a year.
They have rockets in Wisconsin? (G, D&R)
(an old Iowa boy myself :-) )
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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