Posted by Johnny on 11/01/23 11:59
"iulian.ilea" <> wrote in message
> I have a problem when I upload files: if try to upload files stored in
> the same directory whith upload script it is ok, it uploads them on the
> ftp. IF I select a file from another directory than the one with tha
> php script I get an error: uploadPHP Warning:
> ftp_put(langtxt-update.sql) [function.ftp-put]: failed to open stream:
> No such file or directory in D:\Atlanticmoon\collaudi\ftp_upload.php on
> line 35. I tried to set the upload_tmp_dir in the php.ini to
> c/Windows/Temp/ - that is the default. I tried phpinfo() and it is set.
> Trying $_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"] I get the correct path. After many
> tryes to understand why I get an error, I changed again upload_tmp_dir,
> hit an phpinfo() and it changed. At $_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"] in the
> script I get the default: windows/temp. What is the problem?
using ftp you need to use ftp_chdir to change the directory.
AFAIK upload_tmp_dir is for files uploaded by form submission but you are
using ftp. you can check where they go bty default using ftp_pwd.
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