Posted by Jukka K. Korpela on 11/27/00 11:59
Scripsit Toby Inkster:
> Even something as simple as this:
> http://www.teacherschoice.com.au/images/distance_formula_2d.gif
> is clumsy in HTML.
Actually, it's fairly simple and natural, if you accept a presentation where
you use, say, sqrt(foo) to denote the square root of foo, instead of
requiring a square root symbol with a vinculum that extends over the
radicand. Even the latter can be handled relatively easily, as the demo page
If you try it using varying font sizes, you will see some of the benefits of
text and HTML over images.
For general and miscellaneous notes on presenting math expressions in HTML
(and CSS), see
(I just updated it a bit when I realized that the vinculum is better
constructed using a top border rather than an overline.)
Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")
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