Posted by Joe on 10/02/06 01:40
In article <Xns984FA6D0D55A7jimjimscotXplusnet@>,
jim@jimscot.Xplus.net says...
> My ISP these days is quite happy with FP extensions and provides me with heaps of
> webspace so I can see no good reason why I should not use FP with all its bells and
> whistles.
> Can you?
Your site appears to work in Opera9.02, which is the acid test as far as
I am concerned.
For what you are doing, FP is perfectly fine, as it is for ANY personal
(non-commercial) site. If you don't want to learn HTML, but do want to
show your pictures to others, and you have FP, why not use it?
(There are other, free, wysiwyg HTML proggies that are arguably better
than FP. Go to http://www.nvu.com for one of them.)
Me - I wouldn't use FP or frames. I'd rather eat worms.
http://graspages.cjb.cc/test/ shows one way to do your galleries without
frames or tables.
http://graspages.cjb.cc/rant/ takes you to rants about FP and frames.
oh - and nice pics, by the way.
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