Posted by Brian on 10/03/06 11:50
Hi there
Below is a statment that gets info from 2 tables, it brings back info
from Tablea based on whats in productslist
is it possible to chnage it so that it brings back info `tableA`, `TableB`
and `TableC`
at the same time?
SELECT p.prod_code, p.description, SUM(o.`ord` ) AS totalor, SUM(o.`del` )
AS totaldel, SUM(o.`total_cost_price` ) AS totalcost ,
SUM(o.`total_invoice_price` ) AS totalinvoice FROM productslist AS p LEFT
OUTER JOIN `tableA` AS o ON ( p.prod_code = o.prod_code ) WHERE o.stock_type
= "Allocated" GROUP BY p.prod_code ORDER BY p.prod_code
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