Posted by runner7 on 10/03/06 22:58
Andy Hassall wrote:
> When you've got one server communicating to another, then one of the servers
> is just a client, so all the usual secure client-server methods are available:
> https, ssh, etc.
Would it be safe to assume, then, that I could do the following with a
SOAP kit such as NuSOAP and expect secure communications as long as the
server subdomain is properly set up with an SSL certificate? In other
words, all I have done is add "s" to the scheme:
$client = new soapclient('https://sub.domain.com/soap_app.php');
Is anything else needed? Which software is actually handling the
client-side aspects of the secure connection: the web server, the
operating system, NuSOAP, or PHP runtime?
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