Posted by BlackSpider on 10/04/06 00:25
function TableData($slot)
global $row_Recordset1, $colour_FREE, $colour_TOOK;
$slotuser = $row_Recordset1[$slot];
if ($slotuser == "") {
return ($colour_FREE.'" class="timeslot"><div
align="center">'.$slotuser );
else {
return ($colour_TOOK . '" class="timeslot"><div align="center">' .
$row_Recordset1[ $slot ]);
The $row_Recordset1 array is set by mysql_fetch_assoc to get some table
data, and I call this function with the table-row name (In this case
"date"), like this: TableData('date')
However, when trying to get the data of the row 'date' from the Record using
$slot, it returns a null string, regardless of what data is actually there.
If I replace $slot with 'date' in the code, it returns the correct value, so
the connection between php/Mysql is fine, but when trying to get the data by
using a String as the Key, it simply doesn' twork. Any ideas?
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