Posted by dorayme on 10/04/06 23:09
In article
"Andy Dingley" <dingbat@codesmiths.com> wrote:
> dorayme wrote:
> > It depends on how well you know Dreamweaver (or any other
> > software). I have a friend who would go this way and well. I
> > would grab the product descriptions and work hard and use a text
> > editor
> Twice a day, for two thousand products ?
No, well, if it were on this scale, I would fire up Dreamweaver
or even the 98 version of Word and export to HTML and see how it
renders a table of product specs. I would then see what I could
do to clean up crap via Search and Replace, using extra GREP if
need be, and shape it all how I wanted. But my point was this: be
sure the scale of the job is big enough to embark on anything
more than simple hard work with a text editor, entering, cutting
and pasting where possible etc.
You get these figures from?
Truth is this, I have found many earthlings think hard rote work
beneath their human dignity. I happen to think humans have no
real dignity, it is all a pretence and they should get a better
perspective of their place in evolution. They are machines and
should stop trying to distance themselves from lower and more
mechanical forms.
[btw. Alan Flavell has a philosophy behind the idea of hard rote
work, that it offends against human dignity... It is a point of
view. I am not saying it is unintelligent. But imo, much evil has
come from ideas like this. I don't suppose anyone wants to know
more? :-) ]
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