Posted by Ron Barnett on 10/04/06 18:16
"grpprod" <grpprod@gmail.com> wrote in message
>> try putting
>> error_reporting(E_FULL);
>> at the beginning of the script ..roundcube/program/lib/imap.inc
>> and if that line refers to a function in another file put that line in
>> the
>> other file too.
>> eventually you will find the problem.
>> It is almost 100% certain that a function (either yours or inbuilt) in
>> the
>> new PHP behaves differently to one in the earlier version, either because
>> of
>> the change to v5 or because your configuration settings between the old
>> and
>> new systems differ in some way.
> Thanks for the reply. However, I have to note that the same behaviour
> occurs also when installing the new applications in my OLD PHP
> platform. Is the approach you described suitable for such a case?
Yes it works on all PHP versions (or it should do).
I usually put it in my scripts with a check on the server name, so when the
code is on the production server, all errors are suppressed and the script
fails silently, but on the development server, all errors are reported so I
can debug every last warning and notice.
I then put the code on the production box with E_ALL set on and test the
code, then if all is well the errors are suppressed forever. - I would like
to have a written error log but some hosts don't support that,
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