Posted by 1995 Cobra on 10/05/06 12:10
Hello all, CSS new guy here. I've been adapting well to this, but have
hit a snag. My pages look pretty good when the window is fully
expanded, but if you begin to collapse it or have it sized small (the
browser window), all the content starts to "stack" itself - making the
page look aweful. For instance, I float a div to the left and then have
another div that should display to the right of it. Full window, looks
great. Start to collapse the window and it puts the div that should be
to the right below the height floated div (essentially moving it out of
viewable space and creating a void to the right of what is viewable).
Here is an example of the code i'm using... any thoughts:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<title>BOUGHTON ARCHITECTS, INC. | Creativity to Build On</title>
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margin: 0px 0px 0px 675px;
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/* Hide from IE5-mac. Only IE-win sees this. \*/
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* html #links {
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Inc." border="0"></a>
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<span class="lineheight">
<span class="colortext">PROJECTS (</span>COMMERCIAL
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<span class="colortext"> |</span>
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