Posted by Benjamin Niemann on 10/05/06 13:48
1995 Cobra wrote:
> Hello all, CSS new guy here. I've been adapting well to this, but have
> hit a snag. My pages look pretty good when the window is fully
> expanded, but if you begin to collapse it or have it sized small (the
> browser window), all the content starts to "stack" itself - making the
> page look aweful. For instance, I float a div to the left and then have
> another div that should display to the right of it. Full window, looks
> great. Start to collapse the window and it puts the div that should be
> to the right below the height floated div (essentially moving it out of
> viewable space and creating a void to the right of what is viewable).
> Here is an example of the code i'm using... any thoughts:
I would consider this behaviour (based on your description, not the code,
because I'm too lazy to save it to a file and open it in a browser) as
good. If the content does not fit into the browser side by side, it is
rearranged, so the user does not have to scroll horizontally, which would
be bad (my mouse has a scroll wheel for vertical scrolling, which makes it
very easy - I don't think, mice with a second horizontal scroll wheel are
very common).
It is not really trivial to construct a page which 'degrades gracefully'
(and has a non-trivial layout). You'll have to also consider the 'small
window' case, and arrange your floats and stuff in a way that the document
is still usable in this case (correct or at least sensible order of
It is infact much easier to get this effect with CSS than
with 'table-layout', so you are already on the right track.
> [snip HTML code]
Please upload your code to a website and post the URL - this way we can see
much easier whats going on. Most of us do not have a CSS capable HTML
rendering engine built into the brain.
Benjamin Niemann
Email: pink at odahoda dot de
WWW: http://pink.odahoda.de/
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