Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 10/05/06 11:00
..:[ ikciu ]:. wrote:
> Hmm kirke <> wrote:
>>No, I want to receive the Enginetype(select name) as $Enginetype in
>>the same file.
>>then I can use $sql=' ~~~~ where EngineType=$Enginetype ';
> wrong idea. if you will get all rows from table then store it in session. no
> sense to do query twice. set action (on form) on the same file
> then make your cast to int and just show $allEngineTypes[$postedID] where
> you will store names
Not a good idea to store what could be thousands of rows in the session!
A second query would be much better.
And then if you're just looking for a single row out of thousands, MySQL
can do it a lot faster than PHP can.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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