Posted by Gιrard Talbot on 10/06/06 00:35
Jim Scott wrote :
> When made my first website I used MS Publisher. Although I learned later that the
> resulting HTML was mucky and bloated, it taught me the fundementals.
> My next pc came with MS Frontpage and although it produced quite nice webpages, my
> provider at that time did not support FP extensions.
> My site was criticised by the purists on alt.html, so I abandoned FP for a time and
> produced my site using various other editors, each time validating every page with W3C.
Well, that is the correct thing to do no matter which tool you use to
create, edit and publish your webpages: validating markup code and
validation CSS code.
Using Web Standards in Your Web Pages: 2 risks regarding editing with a
What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get HTML editor
> Although it uses frames a lot and tables extensively I have not changed it for a good
> while.
Frames hurt accessibility, usability and searchability of webpages: this
is a well-knwon. And table design increase the accessibility burden (for
mobile devices) and increase file size of webpages. Table design
decrease overall quality of webpage.
Table-based webpage design versus CSS-based webpage design: resources
> My ISP these days is quite happy with FP extensions and provides me with heaps of
> webspace so I can see no good reason why I should not use FP with all its bells and
> whistles.
> Can you?
FP is a sub-standard tool and will create sub-standard webpages. Here's
one reason which I think is devastatingly strong:
"Microsoft doesn't use FrontPage to create pages on Microsoft.com --
even the pages discussing FrontPage. If Microsoft doesn't use it, why
should you?"
Microsoft created recently Expression Web Designer which will replace
for good and forever FrontPage.
remove blah to email me
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