Posted by Johnny on 10/06/06 17:55
"Steve" <no.one@example.com> wrote in message
> "Johnny" <removethis.huuanito@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:OjuVg.855$UJ2.49@fed1read07...
> |
> | "Pankaj" <panahuja@gmail.com> wrote in message
> | news:1160144719.489304.195580@i3g2000cwc.googlegroups.com...
> | > Hi
> | >
> | > I have data stored in my database. I can fetch and populate one combo
> | > box. I want to popluate the second one dynamically using the value of
> | > the first one. I can do this if I did not have to fetch the data from
> | > the database (using Javascript). How can I do this using PHP
> | >
> | > Thanks
> | >
> | Let me add to what Steve said:
> | try http://php.net and look at the manual, download a copy.
> | Or if you want straight to the juglar search for mysql_query
> | RTFM
> actually, this one wouldn't be in the TFM but would be at php.net in the
> user doc's section. and, since he can already fetch and populate combo
> boxes, it would be less advisable to search for help on mysql_query...lord
> knows, not everyone uses mysql anyway. the problem is that he wants an
> interactive web page that pulls data asynchronously based on
> events/conditions set by the user...and without refreshing the current
> ajax is one way to do it...nice little applet. another way is using xml,
> xslt, and javascript. another way, only works in ie, is to use databinding
> with javascript, another way is to use web services (also only available
> ie, afaikr), another way is to...the list goes on. most of these are
> in the user docs on php.net though.
oops! sorry Pankaj
I misread that he was doing the combo box with js and now wanted to do it
with PHP
Not easy to nav php.net for that
I'll post some ajax using php to do just that later
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