Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 10/08/06 18:29
Daz wrote:
> Hi everyone.
> Firstly, I apologise if this i not what you would call a PHP problem. I
> get quite confused as to what lives in which realm, so if this
> shouldn't be posted here, please suggest where I should post it.
> I have created a form, which consists of a list of items, each with a
> checkbox. When a checkbox is checked or unchecked, the page should be
> refreshed. During the refresh, the data is validated and the MySQL
> database is updated etc...
> The problem I am having is using onchange (which I believe is
> javascript). When I check a box, everything works great, the database
> updates as it should, the page refreshes and reflects the change.
> However, when I 'uncheck' the box. for some reason, it posts the value
> of the last checkbox that was checked, and unchecks that... I am trying
> to find a pure PHP method (even though I accept that I will need to
> learn Javascript sooner or later), which will help me find the one box
> that was unchecked, (as it's almost impossible to check more at any one
> time as the page refreshes immediately).
> The list of items can be filtered, and there are just under 3600 items
> in total (hence why they are filtered). Each items has a uniique id, so
> to save iterating through every possible checkbox, and cross
> referencing each one with the database to see which one has changed, I
> named each checkbox 'check' and the value of each one contains the 'id'
> of the item in the list.
> As far as I know, this should work fine, as it should submit the value
> of the checkbox that was clicked when it's clicked upon, but it's not
> working for unclicked checkboxes.
> Any input would be appreciated.
If your onchange event is submitting the form, only the values of the
checked boxes are sent in the form. If a box is not checked, it's value
isn't sent. And the you're doing it (naming each box "check") means you
will only get one value - if multiple values are sent, all but the last
will be overwritten by subsequent checked boxes.
Also, these boxes may not be in the order you check them - the browser
is free to send them in any order, although it is generally the order
found on the page.
There is no good PHP solution to this other than getting the entire form
and checking against the database. However, Ajax can give you
additional options, although it will require learning javascript.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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