Posted by iulian.ilea on 10/08/06 20:45
Thanks all for your replyes.
I can't fix it from SELECT because I have SELECT * FROM... I have more
than one field with datetime type, and more than one table that uses
the same sql statement only customed after the table name.
field1 - int
field2 - datetime
field3 - int
field1 - datetime
field2 - int
So I don't know from what table is selecting to write SELECT field1,
field2, other_fields from table1. It's generical, it's a kernel who
generates HTML code based on several sql statements.
I don't know if I made me clear enough, I hope so.
But, the problem is when I retrieve value from DB. Because is stored
correctly there. I have no clue about what can be the problem.
It's the same ini file. I looked over phpinfo() on both servers and on
the one with problem I have this: Default timezone Europe/Paris. The
other one hase Europe/Helsinky. You thin this can be a problem? How can
it be fixed?
Todd wrote:
> Can't give you the exact why, but you can fix it in your SQL Select
> statement.
> "SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR, yourDateField, 101) FROM yourTable"
> Will return your date value in the mm/dd/yyyy format.
> See http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms187928.aspx
> For more details.
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