Posted by jacquescallaghan on 10/09/06 15:37
Hello guys, I urgently need to get the these queries. I tried REALLY
hard to solve them but unfortunately couldn't figure it out and I am
running out of deadline. PLEASE help.
This is the problem :
A database system of a Software Quality Control Centre keeps the
information about its software items that have been unit tested at the
centre. The expected sizes of relations are also indicated in the
Relational Name Attributes
Software Items Item-id, project-used, date-of-use
Item-write-info Item-id, writer-code, number-of-bugs-detected
Item writers Writer-code, name, key-competence, date-of-joining
Assume that the software items are not reused. Create the normalized
tables for the above. Make suitable assumptions, if any and perform the
following tasks:
(a) Answer the following queries using SQL:
(i) Find the projects for which maximum number of writers has written
the items.
(ii) Find the item writer details whose software items have the maximum
average number
of bugs.
(iii) Find the average number of bugs for each software project.
(iv) List the projects in the order of number of items in that project.
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