Posted by friglob on 10/09/06 11:44
are there any issues i need to know backuping images on another server?
i need to create a backup for lots of pictures so what i would like to do is:
images are in their folder and ther path/name is stored in MySQL database
on backup, i would just like to move them to the new server and update path in database so they are still accessible online from the main server...
images are not displayed by the <img src...> but with show_image.php?code=47tzg4k3lr47...
so when i call an image ie. show_image.php?code=1234,
it searches for the path where code is 1234
lets say, path would be http://www.somethirdpartyhost.com/backup_images/ozuhkz8.jpg
would there be any problem for show_image.php on main server to do readfile(),imagecreate() on file from the thirdparty server?
is there a better way to do that?
thank you very much
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