Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 10/10/06 20:52
Peter Fox wrote:
> Following on from Jerry Stuckle's message. . .
> [Top posting to annoy dimwits who can't cope with posting wherever is
> most appropriate.]
> You failed to answer the OP's question. He wants to know _exactly_, in
> numbers and based on things like 'a lot' what the performance hit will
> be. You've had two tries at it - strangely without success: Any reason
> for that failure do you think?
>> (Top posting fixed)
> [But you didn't think of snipping - Duh! - Repeat after me: "Threaded
> newsreader"]
Poor troll doesn't follow conventions.
I didn't answer exactly because there is no exact answer - which you
would know if you had any understanding of systems and how PHP and
Apache work.
It depends on too many things. CPU speed, amount of available memory,
PHP and Apache options, size of pages being buffered, number of pages
being buffered, even ping times and link speed on the client end.
And a whole bunch more.
But I repeat - for most systems it should not be a significant slowdown.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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