Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 10/11/06 20:15
Pedro Graca wrote:
> Geoff Berrow wrote:
>>Message-ID: <egii5n$ol7$1@yggdrasil.glocalnet.net> from Garry Jones
>>contained the following:
>>>Ok, I will try your code, cool, thanks
>>Hmmph..be like that. :-P
> On second thought it would be better to have a text box for the user to
> enter the time, validate and reuse it.
> I, for one, would be really upset if I had to scroll down 1400 items to
> select 23:20.
Good point, Pedro.
Or, instead of a textbox, selects. One for the hours, one for the minutes.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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