Posted by Erwin Moller on 10/13/06 09:47
steve wrote:
> Hi All,
> My site has two frames, one with a menu system, one with the
> selected results.
> I can select a menu item and get the other frame to reflect that
> selection.
> But I want to select 'log out' from the menu and remove the menu sytem
> as well as putting a default welcome page in to 2nd frame.
> Any ideas will be gratefully received
> New to PHP, and HTML
> Steve
Hi STeve,
You are probably new to JavaScript then also. :-)
You need Javascript to update more frames at once.
That eans that visitors with JavaScript disabled will not be able to use
your site.
You might consider a setup without frames.
If you want to solve it with JavaScript, try something like this:
[for more question try cop.lang.javascript]
The framedefinition:
2 frames, name them, eg "navframe" and "mainframe"
navframe contains a file named nav.php
mainframe contains any file.
If somebody clicks on 'logout' in nav.php:
<a href="" onClick="doLogOut();return false;">logout</a>
<script type="text/javascript">
function doLogOut(){
// replace two pages in a frame:
not tested, might contain typos. ;-)
Good luck.
Erwin Moller
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