Posted by Ahmer on 10/14/06 14:52
Bit Byte wrote:
> I am looking for a (free) IDE for PHP5 development. I am currently using
> emac/vim (on Linux) and EditPlus on Windows. But I terribly miss
> features like:
> 1. Ability to debug code (i.e. step through code and set breakpoints etc)
> 2. class browser
> 3. code browser (like emacs etags command)
> 4. Intellisense (on Microsoft Platform)
> Is there any (free?) IDE out there that has these features ?. I came
> accross EclipsePHP (or PHPEclipse?) a while back, but ITRC I could not
> get it to work with my existing WAMP configuration, it wanted to work
> with a pre-packaged WAMP install - so I had no choice than to ditch it -
> any suggestions on a free IDE that has some (atleast the first three
> features, the last one would be a NTH)?
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