Posted by IchBin on 10/14/06 20:36
bob.chatman@gmail.com wrote:
> I think he wants to treat a flat file as a mysql database. If you are
> serious about it i would suggest you look up hashing to disk. I dont
> know of any ways to treat a flat file like a database in PHP, only perl
> with CSV. You would have to create any functionality.
> I have only delt with flat files if i know it wont get too long, mainly
> because searching is a pain in the butt, ordering helps but not if you
> are going to sort by multiple fields.
> In order to help out a bit, let us know what you are actually trying to
> do, your goal. That would help us get the ball rolling and better help
> you out.
> Bob
A flat file database that has been around a long time is Berkeley
database. You can select between a C\C++ or Java driven database. For
years it was the product of Sleepycat but Big Brother owns it now at Oracle.
Another one that that is newer is a C based DB called SQLite.
You will not have any problems searching these database because they
support SQL.
Thanks in Advance...
IchBin, Pocono Lake, Pa, USA http://weconsultants.phpnet.us
'If there is one, Knowledge is the "Fountain of Youth"'
-William E. Taylor, Regular Guy (1952-)
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