Posted by Steve on 10/14/06 14:02
".:[ ikciu ]:." <no@mail.com> wrote in message
| Hmm Steve <no.one@example.com> wrote:
| > how do you overcome the memory wasted in pulling in ONE FILE when
| > only a small portion of it is needed?
| ofc if you will have other data on each language your way is better but
| won't be multilanguage site
| multilanguage means all data exists in each version - translation
| > first, you DON'T need templates AT ALL. a simple translation function
| > suffices:
| > <h1><?= language::translate(phrases::$helloWorld, language::en_us)
| > ?></h1>
| ofc, i didn't think about real template (Smarty or something like it),
| the way what i showed you. there is no sense to to insert php code in
| layout, when your function will change name or nuber of parameters you
| have to change it everywhere, when you will use replace function for
| data you will do it in one place ...
| i think you don't get it, do it what you want ..... EOT
you don't understand what we've said...at all. the ONLY parameter that
changes is language::en_us. phrases::$helloWorld always stays the same. it
is a constant that points to a record in a table that has infinite number of
translations. the text returned is the one that is flagged language::en_us.
if using a file instead of a db, you're simply require_once a file named
language.en_us and parsing getting the $helloWorld text.
and, it makes perfect sense to put the php code in the layout. there is NO
difference between switching {someVariablePlaceHolder} in a 'template' than
doing the same thing with $someVariablePlaceHolder.
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