Posted by Steve on 10/15/06 21:48
| I almost forgot it: your code is missing a doctype...
good for you...it's not required.
| >> <html>
| >>
| >> missing a <head> and a <title> here...
| >
| > neither <head> nor <title> are required.
| No, <head> isn't, but <title> is.
title is NOT required. learn w3c html 101 and get a fucking life...as well
as a fucking clue.
| >>> <script language="javascript">
| >>>
| >> No, it's <script type="text/javascript">
| >
| > you're a picky bastard, aren't you. it is also correct the way i have
| > written it as well.
| Just bullshit. It isn't anymore. The title attribute is required now.
your and idiot...and, no, it's not.
| >>> var newSource =
| >> .
| >> .
| >> .
| >> .
| >> .
| >>> </script>
| >>> <body onload="initialize();" onunload="quit();">
| >>> <img id="imageToSwap"
| >>>
| >>>
| Forgot it, too: missing alt="" (Yes, it *is* required!)
NOT required, you fucking amatuer!
| >>> </body>
| >>> </html>
| >>
| >> This would not work of course if JS is switched off in the user's
| >
| > really? no shit! what the fuck is up your ass, jojo?
| Just wanted to point out that I wouldn't use JS for features I want to
| work in every browser. You can use JS for things which aren't required
| to view your site the right way. But you really shouldn't force the user
| to switch on Javascript just to view your site. It's the users choice if
| he wants to enable JS or not and every ste schould work without JS, too.
yet you forget/neglect to state, WHAT THE FUCK IS UP UR ASS? except
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