Posted by Mike on 10/17/06 07:59
> Ok regarding sessions. Under default behaviour sessions will try and set a
> cookie, in the next page if the cookie does not exist it uses the session id
> in the address instead. If a cookie does exist it does not adapt the
> address.
But don't you need the php.ini file to have "session.use_trans_sid" to
be 1? Its 0 in my ini file.
> Now regarding the problem of AOL. I do not think it is AOL not allowing
> sessions, it sounds more like you use the IP number of the customer to
> determin wether it is the same person. The problem with AOL is that a user
> can have 1 ip on 1 page load and on the next have another completely
> different ip address.
I don't use IP addresses to check if its the same person.
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