Posted by Steve on 10/17/06 16:05
"linda" <newsaccount@tiscali.co.uk> wrote in message
| "Steve" <no.one@example.com> wrote in message
| news:Zs6Zg.259$_z4.56@newsfe07.lga...
| > enabled. sorry for the text-wrapping. and contrary to the dipshit
| > made by ikciu, this is NOT a stupid question at all.
| lol.... I wasn't even aware he called my question stupid! I did wonder
| the st... stood for, but i'm not that fluent with forum/newsgroup speak!
| Hahaha.... I guess he's forgotten what it's like to be learning
| Still as they say you can learn from stupid, but to think you've learned
| everything , well you get the picture! ;-0
| Kindest regards,
| Linda (with my stupid hat on!!)
that's funny. what's even better is that you think he's forgotten what it's
like to be learning something. he STILL IS. foremost is common descency and
manners...not to mention programming. ;^) however, i don't think i can learn
from 'stupid'...have you read his other posts. ;^)
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