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Re: on input form showing error message for duplicate entry.

Posted by .:[ ikciu ]:. on 10/17/06 16:44

Hmm Steve <> wrote:
> who cares about the casting to INT or backslashing a number?

Pfffff ? what if some1 will typed not a number value in field which should
have a number? you won't check it?

> question was, 'how can i tell if a record as already been added based
> on an existing id?' FURTHER, if you ever did consulting work, it is
> *common* that the product id **is set manually** and you have NO
> control over whether a db assigns is - whether it should or should

why not allow db to set id automaticly?

> you sir, are a troll.

maybe yes and maybe not, i hate so simple question which post lazy ppl who
won't try to search it in M or just in google

> this is not my job. i have a couple of free days while my code is
> being tested and implemented by others on my team. it is a much
> needed break.

sounds nice

> CORRECT when compared to such an 'authored' viewpoint. the difference
> and most important thing to do is to listen and evaluate what is
> being offered. you have failed to do either and maintain your own
> inexperienced oppinion of things rather than someone elses who just
> may have been around the block a few more times than you. you are
> short-changing your own learning development.

hmm this is only your opinion, every day brings something new, we learn
everyday, if you think you already know everything you are wrong. i have
good job (ofc i think i don't know everything), i earn much for me, but you
right my answers are stupid i make jokes many times and laught - im fucking
troll :)))))) i wont do it anymore, i can tell you - you are a guru and we
stop this stupid war on words, this is waste of our time, or we can continue
it ..... feel free to do what you want :)

Ikciu | gg: 718845 | yahoo: ikciu_irsa | www:

2be || !2be $this => mysql_query();



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