Posted by Steve on 10/17/06 19:43
".:[ ikciu ]:." <no@mail.com> wrote in message
| Hmm Steve <no.one@example.com> wrote:
| > yeah, with ONE LARGE language file...am i right?
| i still don't know why do you think one layout file is not good idea for
| multilanguage page
| maybe you dont understand me - i dont think about only ONE file i mean
| one package of files - which will make layout of this page and data will
| store in db and i will only get adequate data for current language to fill
| this layout
again, you MUST learn english if you intend to be understood in english. you
suggested one layout file (template) where variables/data-to-substitue were
in the form of <title>{title}</title> and ONE LANGUAGE FILE (not db) where
you would store ALL languages and parse for the correct translation. you
also were against inline php such as <title><?=
language.translate(phrases::$helloWorld, language::en_us) ?></title>.
somehow you fail to see that whatever is inbetween <title></title> is going
to be substituted. i believe you called this stupid as well. i can go on
about this in such a manner as to make what you JUST said a lie because it
is wholly different from what you've been saying.
anyway, either stick to what you originally said, write more clearly so it
reflects what you *really* mean, and/or DON'T say the rest of us are idiots
for not doing it YOUR way! what you JUST suggested is what me and one other
person were saying all along. are you now saying not only that we AREN'T
stupid, but that that was YOUR idea all along. whatever. finally, this is
WAAAAY OT in this thread. i'm done with you...mental midget.
i've wasted enough of my time on you. so as you put it, EOT.
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