Posted by Steve on 10/18/06 15:48
".:[ ikciu ]:." <no@mail.com> wrote in message
| Hmm Steve <no.one@example.com> wrote:
| > OMFG. you want me to quote you? you said the ONLY thing needed was an
| > autoincrementing field. AND APPARENTLY I GOT IT BEFORE I EVER SPOKE TO
| > YOU...SINCE IT WAS IN MY FUCKING SOURCE CODE. i posted that source
| > code when at the time the ONLY thing you'd said was that the OP WAS
| > STUPID FOR ASKING THE QUESTION !!! further, you NEVER even addressed
| > the overwrite issue...EVER. 'get it finally' what a fucking joke...as
| > are you.
| >
| > you bafoon!
| pfff ... cu BIG i18n developer ... better do not publish your solution,
| otherwise some1 child will broke it down ...
well, at least you are consitantly behaving in accordance with your mental
development; and that, as a 12 year-old. typical response in an effort to
save face before tucking-tail and running.
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