Posted by linda on 10/19/06 01:58
"Breklin" <breklin@sbcglobal.net> wrote in message
> Hi Linda,
> I wrote you a simple script quite a few posts ago that use both a record
> id (auto_incremented) and a productid, which you get from your supplier.
> It seems that Steve agrees with my approach, too, of using both. One is
> a unique id for the table record you are dealing with which can be used
> for quick look up in your queries and WHERE statements. The other is for
> you to validate against it's existence. I do this with several ecom
> sites I have built and it works great because, if, I am updating a
> particular record, I will use the auto_incremented 'id' field to update
> the record data. If I am inserting, I want to make sure that there are
> no duplicate records for the productid that was manually entered, i can
> use that to make sure i'm not duplicating that product.
> See if you can find what I wrote. Otherwise, I'll pound it out again.
> Cheers.
Hi Breklin,
I have download it, I haven't had much time today to look at either yours or
Steve's, as i'm off for a few days much needed rest as of tomorrow, but I
have printed both off to take with me. These will no doubt be read whilst
relaxing under an umbrella in the rain:-0
I have as of tonight, (having given it a lot of thought) come round to the
idea perhaps I should use a separate Id field, and have now added this.
Though I must admit I don't fully understand how it would prevent any
duplicates. But as I have little knowledge on which to base any theory, I
felt that as those that did were telling me of it's benefit I would listen
to the voices of experience. And of course I'm going to do some more reading
on this particular topic also.
Have a great week, and thank you very much for the helpful code. I will no
doubt be back next week with question for you both, that is if you don't
mind! As I'm sure there will be things I'm not one 100% on.
Kindest regards,
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