Posted by Nico Schuyt on 10/20/06 04:59
Steven Saunderson wrote:
> Chris F.A. Johnson
> [snip]
>> Does the script that is targeted (0scripts/invite.php) support the
>> POST method?
> To expand on what Chris says, GET variables are in the _GET array
> whereas POST variables are in the _POST array. If you want to get
> them from either array try something like :
> function GetFormValue ($key, $default = '')
> {
> if (array_key_exists ($key, $_POST))
> return $_POST [$key];
> if (array_key_exists ($key, $_GET))
> return $_GET [$key];
> return $default;
> }
Or: extract($_POST);
But isn't that a safety risc? I prefer $var=$_POST['var'];
Nico Schuyt
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