Posted by Adam Harvey on 10/20/06 08:01
On Thu, 19 Oct 2006 16:29:46 -0700, CptDondo wrote:
> So... Is this a right guess? How long does it take to load php? Is
> there some way to daemonize PHP so that it doesn't have to load up every
> time?
> I am looking for any and all suggestions to speed this beast up....
Admittedly I don't deal with embedded platforms as a rule, but you might
like to have a look at using lighttpd <http://www.lighttpd.net/> with PHP
running under FastCGI, which should take out much of the process
initialisation overhead that you're noticing now. If you have some spare
RAM available (doubtful, I know, given the nature of the platform), you
could also consider using an opcode cache like APC
<http://pecl.php.net/package/APC> or eAccelerator
<http://eaccelerator.net/>, which would save the script(s) being parsed on
each request.
Having said that, it may just be that the PHP script itself is taking some
time to execute, in which case there may not be much you can do.
Another option available to you is to profile the PHP script using
xdebug 2 <http://xdebug.org/>, which can generate cachegrind files you can
then view in KCacheGrind or something similar on your development machine
-- this might help lock down any bottlenecks within the script itself.
Not sure how much more advice I can give you, not being an expert in the
field, but hopefully something here can help. :)
Adam Harvey
To e-mail: don't make an example out of me!
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