Posted by greencw3 on 10/22/06 00:40
Jonathan N. Little wrote:
> PHP is not very hard at all. Many, many online tutorials. The hardest
> part in my opinion is that it has so many core functions. Good place to
> start...
> http://www.php.net/manual/en/
Thank you. I will give it a look.
> It can be interspersed within your HTML so conversion can be less
> painful! Of course you have not provided a URL to site in question. All
> depends on which webserver you are on, if Apache then most likely PHP
> will be an option, IIS then ASP will most likely be your server-side
> language. Sounds like the site was do for an upgrade anyway!
Our high school home page is:
I don't know which webserver we are using. It resides on a local
Windows 2003 server, but is likely to be moved to a remote district
server within the next year or two.
We also have an adult-vocational web site,
maintained for years by a brilliant man who no longer works for us. We
have a major upgrade/overhaul ahead of us to integrate the two sites.
Again, many thanks.
Charles Green
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