Posted by pythagras on 10/22/06 18:35
stryfedll wrote:
> I've been working on an E-Commerce application like OSCommerce, except
> mine is object-oriented, with a much better architecture, and a lot of
> AJAX. I originally intended to release it as Open Source, and I still
> may, but, recently I've been wondering how I could profit off the
> script.
> Selling the script doesn't seem to be a viable option, since if I sell
> the application in full it can easily be duped. My best idea has been
> to release the script, but make an off-site file old all of the primary
> functions of the application. In those functions would be a script for
> displaying the results of a product search, where I could place ads
> every 10 or so entries down.
> Does anyone have any thoughts on how to profit from your applications?
Personally, I would let the code be open source. You are the world's
foremost expert on what you've written. You could sell people your
services, and then they'd pay for your expertise in installing, dealing
with, maintaining, or branching your software to meet there needs. I'm
sure if its a valuable piece of code people will be interested in
getting you're help any which way, and since its open source if it
becomes really in demand, they can hire some other schlub to work with
or extend your project as needed (though he'd probably not be nearly as
efficient or add as much value as you could, at least at first).
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