Posted by Andy Hassall on 10/23/06 19:00
On 23 Oct 2006 11:46:52 -0700, "Sy" <simon@outdoorexplorers.com> wrote:
[context restored]
> On Mon, 23 Oct 2006 19:42:40 +0100, Andy Hassall <andy@andyh.co.uk> wrote:
>> No, the mysqli extension defines a mysqli class for working with MySQL.
>If that is a native class to MySQL then ok (I know nothing of MySQL as
>that isnt the database i use). However if you are calling a class from
>another location then you need to include/require that class in your
>include "path/to/the/file/that/has/the/class/in/it";
No, the mysqli ___extension___ defines a mysqli class for working with MySQL.
Andy Hassall :: andy@andyh.co.uk :: http://www.andyh.co.uk
http://www.andyhsoftware.co.uk/space :: disk and FTP usage analysis tool
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