Posted by Sally Thompson on 10/25/06 14:02
On Wed, 25 Oct 2006 00:35:54 +0100, Luigi Donatello Asero wrote
(in article <urx%g.20820$E02.8553@newsb.telia.net>):
> "Sally Thompson" <me2@privacy.net> skrev i meddelandet
> news:0001HW.C1644C540112C10AF0284530@news.individual.net...
>> On Tue, 24 Oct 2006 04:32:13 +0100, Luigi Donatello Asero wrote
>> (in article <1Pf%g.20744$E02.8370@newsb.telia.net>):
>> <snip>
>> [re: Linux]
>>> As to e-mails, I am even having problems now by using Outlook Express
>> Luigi, you do not need to use Outlook Express just because you have
> Windows
>> 98. I use a Mac and you really really wouldn't like it <g> but also have
> an
>> old W98 laptop. It uses Firefox as a browser, Pegasus for email, and if I
>> used it for posting to newsgroups I would use Forte Free Agent (as I used
> to
>> do in Windows days).
>> Before you ask, they are all free.
> Good point.
> Some questions concerning your remarks, though.
> 1) New Symantec products do not support Win 98.
> How would I stop Internet hots?
> (viruses, troian horses with more)
> And how much would that cost?
I don't know the word hots. Do you mean bots? There are free firewalls, for
instance Zone Alarm. If you don't use IE and OE you are far less susceptible
to viruses and worms anyway. There is free anti-virus software called AVG
which AFAIK is still compatible with W98 - it's easy to check. They do a
paid-for edition as well, so if you need free make sure you get the right
one. Caveat: Free is not necessarily Best.
> 2) I use several browsers, one of these being Firefox and I have done it
> for a while.
> Would that prevent hots from attacking the OS without using firewalls and
> antivirus?
Firefox (in fact *any* browser other than IE) is inherently safer than IE. I
had several browsers on my old W98 desktop PC and never had any virus/worm or
anything else, but I ran a good firewall. As far as email is concerned, OE is
not a good thing to use if you are worried about security. I would recommend
Pegasus, but there are plenty of others.
> 3) Don´ t you see any advantage in learning to use Linux at least at a very
> basic level?
> Thank you in advance for your answers.
I haven't the slightest idea whether there is any advantage for you in
learning Linux. Only you can decide that.
By the way, your sig separator is broken. It should be dash, dash, space,
then new line (like mine). Yours is missing the space, which means that my
newsreader does not automatically strip it and I have done it manually. No
big deal, but you might like to know.
Sally in Shropshire, UK
bed and breakfast near Ludlow: http://www.stonybrook-ludlow.co.uk
Burne-Jones/William Morris window in Shropshire church:
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