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Re: Zend Certified Engineer PHP5

Posted by Steve on 10/25/06 17:25

"JM" <reply@group.svp> wrote in message
| Are there any zend certified engineers present ?
| I would like to know if the online courses are worth their money.
| Are the teachers good ? Or do they just read from a textbook ? Can you
| ask questions ? Do you have a lot of contact with your fellow students ?
| Did you learn a lot ? Apart from the six hours a week online training,
| how much time do you have to spend each week learning, making homework,
| ... ? Does the online training prepare you for the certification exam ?

i'm positive it's worth *their* money, but doubt it's worth *yours*.

| When your applying for a job as webdeveloper, say you already learned
| PHP on your own and have a couple of months to half a year
| workexperience, does it makes a difference when you are a Zend Certified
| Engineer ?

as an makes *very* little difference to me. we have our own
tests that applicants must take anyway. plus, if you have *any* experience
programming in *any* other language (certified or not), we may hire a php
applicant WITHOUT THEM HAVING ANY php experience or training at all. php is
NOT hard to learn or use well. we've invested in our employees by giving
them tools to further their own knowledge in areas of their interests
related to programming...we pay for such certifications if the employee
wants to take the exams. i don't require nor prefer certificates when
someone seems a good personality fit with the aptitude and desire to learn.

this is not just restricted to my company; it is common practice for many
others as well.

| The presence of those seeking the truth
| is infinitely to be preferred to those
| who think they've found it.
| (Terry Pratchett)

logically mute point. seeking the truth continually with the goal in mind of
never assuming one has found it - as implied to be preferable in said
quote - is a pointless activity. it is completely based on the context
whether or not "truth" can be found. the speed of light is true as is the
speed of sound, etc.. truth is evidentiary confirmation to a hypothesis;
nothing more. why begin seeking something thinking it can never be, or
shouldn't be, found?



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