Posted by dp on 10/27/06 02:08
Joe (GKF) wrote:
> In article <doraymeRidThis-E94AB8.11085826102006@news-
> vip.optusnet.com.au>, doraymeRidThis@optusnet.com.au says...
>> In article <MPG.1faa95d4eea2d38598971a@news.aardvark.net.au>,
>> Joe <joedinmore@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
>> Ah, is that what this was about. Bit like putting in a cake
>> upside down in an oven that happens itself to be installed upside
>> down... er... no... goddam it, you have me going with cake
>> analogies now, except i am not so good at them...
> I've got that one covered.
> http://graspages.cjb.cc/recipe06/cake/udcake.htm
Just noticed that the "Untried Recipes" menu item has a habit of
disappearing when I click another recipe menu item in both IE7 and FF 2.0.
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