Posted by Rodolfo on 10/26/06 21:11
Hi, my name is Rodolfo... I'm working on a database migration from
Informix to SQL Server... I have migrated some tables that are in a
document *.txt using the DTS but I have trouble with the migration of
some tables.
These tables are something like this:
create table m_fec_omi_db
dia_mes_tec datetime MONTH to DAY ,
dia_mes_adm datetime MONTH to DAY
as you can see, SQL Server doesn't use this type of data for a column,
and the DTS doesn't do this using a text file... is it necessary to
make a conection to the Informix database in order to make my migration
with the DTS? or is there another way to change this datatype?
Thank you... my e mail is lottofire@gmail.com
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