Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 10/28/06 00:06
IchBin wrote:
> Sorry, I am a Java programmer and very new to php and was wondering with
> these questions. How do you typically integrate CSS into a PHP script.
> Do you embed it or reference a external CSS file? Have an include script
> to dynamically generate it. How do you have it work with a HTML FORM?
> Sorry, I have no clue as of yet. I have just started to research it.
> I have written the php code for my quotation test site. I want to start
> to format it via css. I have just built and playing with it at
> http://ichbinquotations.awardspace.com
> Also, any tips and Preferred Resources?
As others have noted, there really isn't a close tie between PHP and CSS.
PHP just creates HTML and sends it to the client. Nothing more, nothing
Build a sample static page first, and get it to look like you wish. You
can get help from alt.html and/or alt.html.css.
Then go back and replace the appropriate static elements with PHP
generated code. They should look exactly the same.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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