Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 10/28/06 00:17
readmy@otherlips.com wrote:
> In article <6ak0h.38690$3l5.205@reader1.news.jippii.net>,
> spam@outolempi.net says...
>>Sessions are per domain. For www.mydomain.com there is one session, and for
>>mydomain.com there is anothe
> A session is supposed to be a session with a particular host.
> Actually PHP uses host names for sessions if you look in PHPSESSID but it
> puts the domain name in by mistake. Hence his problem.
> Now that all "domains" are being registered both with AND without the
> particular service name (WWW FTP etc) - IE as host names - this is going
> to be a big problem for PHP if it isn't sorted real soon.
> You can see historically why the bug hasn't mattered but things have
> changed in the domain registration business and now it matters a great
> deal.
> I'm suprised it hasn't been reported more generally. I've seen reports on
> ecommerce web sites about mysterious failures, I wouldn't be at all
> suprised if this wasn't connected.
example.com and www.example.com are, by definition, two different hosts.
The fact they resolve to the same physical server is immaterial. PHP
is 100% correct in its operation.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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