Posted by Beauregard T. Shagnasty on 10/29/06 13:25
Ganesh wrote:
> Is everything right about this sample..
> I need to make it look great... the text .. the over all feel..
> http://www.seashellwebs.com/structure1/structure1.htm
> Please suggest tips..
I can't read your content; it's too small (and dim).
pt (points) are for printing. Use percents, 100 of them.
Text: justify is hard to read.
Color contrast is too light.
Why mixing serif and sand-serif fonts?
font: normal 0.7em/1.4em Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, Georgia, sans-serif;
"normal" is the default, you don't need to assign it. Skip Verdana (see
above page).
-Motorcycles defy gravity; cars just suck
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