Posted by Geoff Berrow on 10/29/06 12:51
Message-ID: <1162116497.166821.187730@h48g2000cwc.googlegroups.com> from
R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah contained the following:
> I see, some old regulars--Pedro Graca, Nikolai Chuvakhin, Manuel
>Lemos, Janwillem Borleffs,... back now--but some others like Chung
>Leong, Andy Hassall, Erwin, John Dunlop, Justin Koivisto, Prof. Geoff
>are not that active according to
><http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.php/about> Tim Van Wassenhove
>seems to be hacking C#.
> I too gone out to lurk Ajax (and documented my BehaviorS.js) and
>Delphi. Just curious, what you guys are really working with? Gone to
>RoR or still with PHP? TIA
I'm still here but I left my teaching job went self employed in August
and have been too busy to keep up with Usenet. Plenty busy with PHP
May have a Delphi job for you if you are interested, drop me an email.
(watch for the spam trap)
Geoff Berrow (put thecat out to email)
It's only Usenet, no one dies.
My opinions, not the committee's, mine.
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