Posted by Gordon Burditt on 10/31/06 05:47
>Bad designed, bad documented. Plenty logic errors..
> And what most worse thing, developers *do not know* how to correct an
>>"Not at all if you have MySQL security set up properly and use the
>> correct userid and password."
>Have you tried do this at shared virtual hosting, where you have no
>*any* access to all this "config" files?
Then when you lease space on a database server, the admin of that
company is supposed to set up your access. If you don't have access
to what you are paying for, complain. Often hosting companies insist
that you access the database from the web server that also comes with
the service, and nowhere else. If this is the case, they need to
explain how to access the database, and perhaps fix their setup.
It may well be that the hosting company insists that you access the
database only from the web server in the account, that's policy,
and there's not a thing you can do about it besides change hosts.
>Why user need to have headashe
>about this senseless configuration settings? You will get headASHE and
>can spend a weeks or even and month to solve this stupis security
Call tech support for your hosting company.
>Why MySQL need have more security than FTP programs?( that works
>just fine) Any ftp works wl
Security on FTP does *NOT* "work just fine". Some versions of
FTP don't even have the ability to set up a "read only" account.
Databases tend to have more sensitive information in them than
files: passwords, credit card numbers, financial data, private
medical information, etc. And it just doesn't make sense to have
a databbase with direct read/write access open to the world.
>Plenty users can no access it own MySQL database installed even on it
>own computer. Stupid system generate errors #1045 - Access denied. So
>called 'securiy settings issue' is just paranoidal. Why not set access
>to phpmyadmin/mySQL from ANY IPs by default?
Windows seems to come set with wide open access for everyone and
the result is armies of zombies being used to attack other systems.
It's not paranoia if they really are out to get you. And there are
systems out there port-scanning for MySQL servers.
You (the server admin) can set up a username/password to access
from any IP if you want to. The default, a very correct one IMHO,
is *NO* access over the net. Does having a default username/password
make any sense to you in this situation? I hope not. You (or the
admin of the server) need to set up access individually.
>Have you real ideas how to repair this 'error #1045 - Access denied for
>user' remotely on virtual host? I doubt that you have any idea.
The idea behind security is that you are not able to "fix" lack of
access from the outside. You have to be given access by the
administrators of that system. Call the tech support of your hosting
If it's your own server, you need to use the GRANT command (probably run
from the server machine itself) to grant the access required to something
on another machine. You may decide whether or not to lock down the
access by IP address or not.
In order to use a MySQL connection (as a client), you need 4 pieces
of data: the username, password (might be "none", but this is NOT
a good idea), server hostname (might be "localhost"), and database
name. You also have to try to make the connection from a host
that's allowed to connect. This isn't much more complicated than
non-anonymous FTP, where you need a username, password, hostname,
and directory name. If you're having trouble plugging that info
into whatever client you are using (command-line client, PHP,
whatever) you need to read the documentation. If you don't *KNOW*
what this information is, you need to contact the server administrator
(or your host's tech support).
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