Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 10/31/06 12:37
Gayatri wrote:
> i've a sql query as follows:
> SELECT tb1.col1,tb2.col1,tb3.col1 FROM tb1,tb2,tb3 where
> tb1.col1=tb2.col2 AND tb3.col3=tb2.col3 AND tb2.col4 BETWEEN 4 AND 5
> AND tb2.col5 BETWEEN 6 AND 7;
> if I run the above query thru php it works, but if i try to call a
> procedure for above query as shown below it thrws error
> ERROR 1064 (42000): the right syntax to use near 'tb1.col2
> <?
> $wherestr = "tb2.col4 BETWEEN 4 AND 5 AND tb2.col5 BETWEEN 6 AND 7";
> CALL proc4($wherestr);
> ?>
> Procedure#=>
> DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `midas`.`sp_dm_domain_keyword_mapping`$$
> CREATE DEFINER=`oteuser`@`%` PROCEDURE `sp_dm_domain_keyword_mapping`(
> whereval varchar(500))
> set @whereval = whereval;
> set @sql1 = CONCAT('SELECT tb1.col1,tb2.col1,tb3.col1 FROM tb1,tb2,tb3
> where tb1.col1=tb2.col2 AND tb3.col3=tb2.col3 AND ',@whereval);
> PREPARE stmt FROM @sql1;
> EXECUTE stmt using @whereval;
> END$$
> what is the error in above code?
Since this is a sql problem, I'd recommend you ask in a SQL newsgroup -
or at least one related to your database.
You'll get better answers.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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