Posted by danielbaars on 11/01/06 14:50
Wow! Thank you all so much! The last example is very close to what I'm
trying to do. I got this to work no problem but how do I list more than
one item and also the items for tomorrow?
The text file would be something like:
20061101,Apple,Normandy,John Smith
20061101,Bananas,Chili,Jack Jones
20061101,Orange,Seville,Robert Brown
20061101,Coconut,Fiji,Ed Johnson
20061102,Apple,California,Tess Williams
20061102,Bananas,Argentina,Joe Taylor
20061102,Orange,South Africa,Sarah Anderson
20061102,Coconut,Hawaii,Harry Thompson
And make it into a listing like:
The apples in our juice comes from:
Today: Normandy (by John Smith)
Tomorrow: California (by Tess Williams)
The bananas in our juice comes from:
Today: Chili (by Jack Jones)
Tomorrow: Argentina (by Joe Taylor)
Many thanks,
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