Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 06/18/05 15:31
Cranio wrote:
> Mitja wrote:
>> On Sat, 18 Jun 2005 11:57:27 +0200, Cranio <cranio_noSp4m_@quipo.it>
>> wrote:
>>> "<A HREF='" + Request.ServerVariables("URL") + "?" + pk + "=" +
>>> pkvalue + "'" ... +"</a>
>>> Works for GET ... but what about POST data?
>> Yep, POST is a problem with no easy solution. Sometimes the easiest
>> thing to do is to change the architecture of your program in such a
>> way that it only need GET (or at least only need GET in situations where
> Right. It's precisely what I am doing now, and luckily my program is
> flexible enough :) )
>> links like the one above are desired). This is not as hard as it
>> seems: the only thing at which POST is better is sending large chunks
>> of data, and where do you objectively have to send large chunks of
>> data with a single link and no elements with user-input data?
> All right :) BUT it would be nice for me to find a REAL solution to the
> problem, say for knowledge's sake :)
Just a thought, if you are trying to post data, you do have the form
elements WITHIN <form></form> tags, right? I have seen some folks try to
summit form data with either no form, or with form data elements outside
of the form tags. Firefox will not forgive these errors and will not
work. Some other browsers may confuse the situation by working on
Take care,
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