Posted by Bergamot on 11/01/06 22:15
Travis Newbury wrote:
> it happens to be that way only because the browsers can
> not agree how to do things.
Actually, they do for the most part. It's why there's a W3C in the first
place, eh? The issue isn't agreement so much as bugs, or non-support for
a particular feature, element or property.
Classic case is IE6 - buggy as heck, and doesn't support any of the CSS
that would make cool pages. IE7 has the worst bugs addressed, so things
will improve when it comes out, but it still has a long way to go to
catch up. IE6 will still be out there in large numbers for a long time,
anyway. Makes it hard for the web to move forward. :(
> So the "web" is not the issue, the browsers are. YMMV
Yes, but not necessarily in the way you say.
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