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Re: not displaying null data when using number_format

Posted by Martin Mouritzen on 11/01/06 19:03

On Wed, 1 Nov 2006 18:31:45 -0000, "linda" <>

>Thank you for your reply, I've solved it now with a suggestion from Steve,
>but thank you anyway for replying, I am very grateful.

No problem, although I do find Steve's example a bit harder to read,
but I guess that's just habit, I do use the "((something) ? true :
false )" operator from time to time, but mostly for very short code,
as soon as the line grows I prefer an if/else statement.

> Re: the structure,
>I've never been able to decide since starting to learn php whether it is
>better to print the html or break out of php into html then back in again, I
>do know what you mean though it does look a little messy and unstructured.
>Your example definitely makes it easier to read. Point taken, and noted.
>Though with that said, I'd be interested to here others views on this,
>because as I've stated, I've been on the fence in deciding. And it's always
>useful to know the pros and con's for both, and how others feel. This way
>it will give me a better understanding of which is best. I realise that
>when you need to print large amounts of html it's better to break out of php
>to do it, but when it comes to the odd table I don't know which is best.

Well, actually I prefer never to break out of PHP at all, and if I
need to output large amounts of HTML, then I tend to use a templating
engine (but perhaps I'm a bit biased because I work on a Content
Management System with included template-engine which makes that kind
of work really easy).

But I find that when I break out of PHP to do HTML then my code
becomes harder to maintain, and I often have to rewrite the HTML to
PHP outputting HTML when editing the code later.

>P.S I like your website!

Thanks! I hope you found the english version, danish tends to be a bit
hard to read for non-danes ;-)

best regards,
Martin Mouritzen.



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